Collaborate with us

Want to collaborate with us?

Do you have vaccine development challenges?

Interested in new vaccine development or exploring the SCV Vaccine Platform?

Sementis is seeking strategic partners to advance the SCV Vaccine Platform and to develop new vaccines.

Complete the form below to get in touch with us.


25 North Terrace, Hackney SA
5069, Australia

Who we would like to collaborate with

Large vaccine or pharmaceutical companies

Already have your own vaccine portfolio and development capabilities. Seeking new products that maybe disrupted or enhance by the SCV Vaccine Platform.

Emerging vaccine companies

You specialise in developing Biotech Vaccines and are seeking products that maybe disrupted or enhanced by the SCV Vaccine Platform.

Large pharmaceutical companies

Currently don’t have a vaccine program or immunotherapeutic vaccine capabilities. Looking for strategic potential for the integration of the SCV Vaccine Platform into wider business?


Global CDMO companies

Looking for a new platform technology to service your customers?

Veterinary vaccine companies

You specialise in developing vaccines intended for use in animals and are seeking products that maybe disrupted or enhanced by the SCV Vaccine Platform.


Interested in biological countermeasures solutions or sovereign capability?



Vaccine companies or NGOs whose work is based primarily in the developing world seeking new rapid response platform.


Interested to engage industry partner with interest in discovering and developing new vaccines?